Well after an unseasonable hot and smoky summer , it seems the air is clearing finally, we did have a lot of rain to go with it , but the air quality has been brutal. It did make some pretty pictures.
We did get the hay up , what there was of it, although we got rain we also had grasshoppers. Floods, fires, pestilence... if 4 guys show up on horseback I am out!
all that said, now that the air is clearer and its cooler, we have ben working a little more outside with the horses. Mel has been around (for the OG's who remember Almighty Marshmellow) helping out a few days a week.
Little Miss Ransom is growing up nicely. And for the first time in the history of me, all of my registrations and stallion reports through this year are complete!
A few days work reminding of halter manners, also Babe is sold pending pickup. Foxy, Callypso and Mystik are still available .
Renters cattle are enjoying the lush greeenery . we have done a lot more in the rotation and putting out salt than normal but quiet cows like this it is easy work
Although, Henry, the only 3 legged golden retriever cow dog I know , may have cow bossed too close to the sun and couple days and needed to tlc and rest

Its a process
Hope all are safe and well and enjoying the [;easant fall weather.
Until next time