Hang in this is going to be a long one !
Martin was home for his 7 days off, starting Tues of last week. As per usual , this time of year , "days off " hardly describes it . He was rushing around trying to get things sorted out to move the cabin. He , dad, and brother in law Marc , put in a day or two fixing equipment.Yay ! the Versatile(Front end loader ) is up and running again!!!! we sure miss it when it is broke down. We have other tractors, with loaders , but that one is as my dad would call it "a great rig!"
While the guys were busy at that , I was working , then on my "off time" I was cleaning stalls getting ready to wean the babies. The stalls got left empty , but not properly cleaned out over the summer and it was a mess! Deb helped me as well on Saturday doing the cleaning .Fresh bedding , and scrubbed buckets , and we were ready! . I also got to play electricians helper to nephew Cory , who was fixing a few lights and the power box on one waterer. And Welders helper to Dad who came out to weld the squeeze for tagging calves .
Sunday morning Deb , came over and we caught up the mares , led them and babies into the barn. then quickly slipped the mommas back out cranked the radio and closed the door! For the most part , that was it , Rich has been through this program enough she just sighs and wanders off. Ici, called a bit , and also settled quite quickly . The babies fussed here and there , but with the radio they cannot hear mom calling back so they too settle quickly . But Jazz, the mare without a foal, well she went plumb crazy!!!! Dashing around and calling like she had lost her best friend! Funny old girl , she really missed the little ones . Her dam was similar , actually worse , even when she had no foal and was in a completely different pasture than the babies, she seems to sense weaning day , and would call and squeal running the fences for a whole day in sympathy I guess, and when we weaned a foal of hers? Well lets just say I have still not recovered from that sleep deficit !

Jazz is the dun mare on the left ,Rich,centre Ici back and on the right . Settled down by the time this pic was taken . Quinn set right to drinking and eating well, with no hesitation, but Comet had me watching for a bit . It usually goes well doing things this way , they already are eating hay and have a taste for grain. Also are drinking water long before I wean ,but the odd one pouts a bit . I am vigilant until I see "water going in and poop coming out " the feed not so much of an issue , though I do watch , but without water ...
This weekend was also the one we weaned and shipped calves . There was an Angus influenced pre sort sale today that we wanted to catch , as the next one is not till mid Nov and Martin will not be home . So I went out with him to bring the herd in Sunday .
you may remember a few of these
The heifer Winston "whispered"
And who could forget Elusive Louie, the magical disappearing attack calf!
As you can see they have grown well
Out at 7 am to bring them in . Martin and I and the dogs did that part .Then we were joined by Marc and Deb , to help sort and tag. We have just a tiny herd so it really doesn't take long . Marc reminded me of the days a few years back when we ran 120 through in a morning before the truck, not just 20!
It goes pretty much the same whatever the numbers , sometime just a little quicker .
Truck was there at 1pm, I had gone in to clean up, and whip up some mashed potatoes for my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner , then .we headed for town!
A wonderful dinner at my parents home . The dinner was a group effort , Brendan made the turkey , Dee, mashed turnip ,and cauliflower with cheese sauce , Tara , stuffing . Heather , 3 different kinds of pie, I did the mashed taters and made the gravy. It was very nice , and I must say The kids did a brilliant job! the food was wonderful!!
Mom was out on a pass for the day from hospital as well . Yup our prayers are always answered , and sometimes...it is YES!
Deanna , let us know to try to dress nicely for the event ,as she wanted to take some family photos . She has a plan for these ,but I am not to tell. I also wanted a new one of Martin and I for our Christmas card .I think we got some nice ones,Thanks to Dee
I am guessing you know this couple
The whole fam
The pictures were taken in mom and dads back yard, near the playhouse Heather and I shared as kids
Dee,and Tara
nieces Tara, Deanna , and nephew Brendan
Marc and Heather (My sister and brother in law)
And of course Mom and Dad .
Martin has returned to work today . It seems like his time at home was a warp speed blur. But we got lots done, and next time , maybe it will be calmer ! Meanwhile, I sure hope the cows settle soon I can't hear myself think!!!
Stay safe!