Welcome to Fern Valley

Here in central Alberta prime farm country,my husband Martin and I work together raising beef cattle and Appaloosa horses. Fern valley appaloosas have long been known for their quality of temperament conformation and color.I have recently rediscovered a love of writing and have published 2 collections of poetry. "Telling Tails" and Tails Trails and Campfire stories" . I look forward to a future spreading my wings as an author and as a horse woman .

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Do you know this horse? Well I do!

Sometimes  when  we  sell a  horse,  we a re  lucky  enough to  have  the  new  owner  keep  in touch and let us  know  how  they  are  doing. I have  been blessed  with  several  of  the  sales  I have  made  doing  just  that. I have  made  new  friends  ,and in the  case of Maggie  and  Kat ,  reconnected  with  old  school mates to  build a  friendship years  later  as well . 
In the  case of  this  horse  I did  receive  regular updates  via  Facebook  for quite  some time ,  then suddenly, nothing. Too bad  but  not  much  I  could  do  he  seemed  well and I hoped  for the  best .
Then  just last  week  I received  an  email  asking if  I was  the  breeder of  a horse  named  "Dandy"  the  gal  stated  where  he  was  from  so I  replied, and yes  it is  our  own  beloved  FV  Dandy  Line .
He  has  a had  a   reversal  of  fortune  so  to speak, and is  now  with  a  new  owner. I am  not  privy to  all  the  details,  nor do  I need  to be , I need only  to see  that has  has  made  a  very  soft  safe  landing ! And is  now  the  proud owner  of  a  lady named ,  wait  for it ...
Sherry ! 
Meant to be?? I think  maybe!
In  any  case  she  has  kindly  shared  some  photos  of  her  new  boy  and as  you  can  see ,  Dandy is  well, still,  a  Dandy!
Sherry is  very  pleased with  him  and  has  stated  he is a  wonderful  sweet  boy (we  knew  that ! LOL ) 

 She  and  I  have  become  friends on  Facebook  as  well  so I  am  hoping  that  we  will again  be  able  to  keep up  with  Dandy  as  he  carries on  "Owning " his  new  person 

 they look  pretty  happy  together 
I  think he  likes  her (lol) no "think" about it , she loves him  too! 
A  happy  ending . 
Thank  goodness  for  good  people  and  the internet  to connect us  all. 
Stay  safe  my  friends

Monday, 26 August 2013

Healing waters, and Harley

I  have  been  terrible   lately ,  not  posting   more  than  maybe once  a week,even  then  just pics  and  just plain  falling  behind  on my  updates, but its  summer ,  busy times so  that  will  be  my  excuse.
So  busy in  fact t hat  we  all  needed our  break (trip to  Jasper  )  a bit  early  so Sunday  morning  bright and  early away  we  went. Martin,  myself , and  mt  sister Heather  with  her  hubby  Marc. Breakfast in  Edson, and  Jasper  for  shopping  shortly  after  noon. The up  to  the "healing  waters"  of  Miette  Hot springs    for  a  luxurious  soak. and  An early  dinner  before heading home .
We  had  a  great t time, visiting  and  watching the  tourists  and  scenery,  not too  many  pics   this  year , because  we,well  we  kinda  let the  "out of  towners " have  the  space for  the  photo ops ,  the  side of  the  road  and pull outs  are  pretty  busy  this  time  of  year . So as  we  went past  we  jokingly  gave  captions to  the photos  taken of  the  bighorn  sheep herd with  babies
 " Alright  everyone line  up,  no  pushing ,  comb  your  fur,  wait  ,  wait,  now  RUN  DOWN THE  HILLL!!!" which   they  seemed  to  do  as  if  on  cue, maybe  only  funny  to us,  but  we  howled!
 totally  relaxed  after the soak in the  pools
 the  view  form Miette 
 the  first  pass  midway  to  the  right  of  the photo is  approximately  when if  we  were  to  ride  from our  old   stomping(trail  riding )   grounds  at  Cadomin where   the  "Short  Cut  Appy " and  I had  many  a  great  ride  to  the  hot  springs just  25  miles cross  country .
nuff  said

Today  I took  Martin  back to the  bus  for  work,  and  when I got  home  was a little  blue,so I went out to see  the horses,  and  move  a  few of  them  around . Today  instead of  baby pics we  have  Harley  strutting  his  stuff, the  pics  turned out  a  little different with  the  light and  movement  but I like  the  effect 

 played  with  B& W for  this  last  one  as  he  was  running into  the sun, I like it , not  professional  work but  different
In  any  case  the  blues  were  thwarted  by  my  wonderful  ponies  again, and I am back ot me . Hope  everyone  had a  great  weekend , and I promise  I will  catch up , soon! 
Stay  safe 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

I'm lovin it

Baby pics  , I  just  cant  stop!And add  to that , I  have  found  a  better  way  to  post them.  Rather  than  loading them one  at  a  time  to blogger, I sync  my  albums  online  to  piccassa. Then when it  comes  time  to load  pics,  they pop  right  up  and take seconds  to load  to the  blog.
Course  this means  I will be  able t deluge  you  with  all the  baby pics  I want  so...I may  never   write  a long  wordy thought  provoking  post  again!
OK  who  am  I kidding  I likely  will  get  thinking  about  some  topic  and  give  you  one of  my  long  convoluted rambles  again soon,  but  for  now, just  pictures

 Beauties in the  mist

 A little  visit  from Mel
 growing  well and strong

 Air  kisses 

 not  sure  if  this  pic  will be  animated  or  not but on  my screen it is   kinda  fun

Casey is  changing  more and  more,  not sure but I think  she is  not  "dun"  yet 
even  the  littlest cowgirl is   growing  up  well 
And  finally  a  little  blast from the  past  , Young  Harley  1 year old and looking  grand!

Stay  safe  my  friends  

Monday, 19 August 2013

A little family time

Picture  heavy post,  for those  who  are  family  ,it  will  be easy to see  who is  who,  for those  who aren't, know it  was a  wonderful visit  with my Auntie Peggy  and  Uncle Brian   from  Seattle  as  well as  my  cousin Enid  and  her  hubby Randy. Beyond  saying  that is  was a  great get together  with  many family members I will  let  the pictures  tell the  story.(oh and  yes  they  came  here and  saw  the foals, even were able to pet  them  and me, who always  has a  camera??? oops!!!!! but  trust me it was  great)

 Dad,  and  his  beloved only sister Peggy 

And as  we  headed  home,the  end of a  beautiful  day  was a  beautiful sunset

Stay  safe  my  friends