28 yrs ago was born the first son of my old stallion Chips, and out of my good mare Sherry's April Sunshine. "Stryker", or Lucky Stryke ,the name, a combination of a movie(BL Stryker) I had seen and a pack of american cigarettes lol)
He was an awesome horse! Never really had a lot of saddle time for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is he was a giant! lol .I started him and he taught me so much in return. He taught me about patience, loyalty, and the ever present reality that if you are not clear in your mind and actions you will not get what you (think ) you asked for.
Stryker, the king of the "if you don't do anything, you don't do it wrong" lol When he was learning ,if he got confused at all he would simply stop moving altogether. Not bad from a walk or a jog but at higher speeds it got a little dicey lol .
I got hurt not long after I started him and sent him out for more work. When he returned he was great but as I said for one reason or another he started his retiremnt early.
Not to say he didn't have work...
He was herd guardian, mentor to young ones,
Teacher, and manners police! and the old man had some moves!
A brief, but stunning career as an equine super model lol . Only ever stood for this one photo shoot but he was all over the project!
And finally he was a friend, to me to the herd and to many people who came to know him
Well I chose to believe this, and to that end, We sent my sweet old boy to his party with a belly full of grain, a fresh brushing and our love.
He was the last of the old guard, I will miss him. But I did my best for him and that gives me comfort . This poem is older but it fits, and it is shown on my calendar on his photos.
Give me a horse
Give me a horse
With good heart and mind
Yes give me a horse
And I’ll find the time
Give me the knowledge
To manage his care
To teach and to train
In a manner that’s fair
Give me the space
And days in the sun
To first learn to walk,
Then learn to run
Give me the push
To do what I need
To earn both our keep
And pay for his feed
Give me the courage,
When he’s done his best
When his time is done
To put him to rest
Leave me the horse
In my mind and heart
The joy and the memories
Right from the start
Yes give me a horse
And I‘ll do the rest
As he does for me
I’ll give him my best
Stay safe my friends. and I will get back to that "in my next 50 yrs post " soon!