Welcome to Fern Valley

Here in central Alberta prime farm country,my husband Martin and I work together raising beef cattle and Appaloosa horses. Fern valley appaloosas have long been known for their quality of temperament conformation and color.I have recently rediscovered a love of writing and have published 2 collections of poetry. "Telling Tails" and Tails Trails and Campfire stories" . I look forward to a future spreading my wings as an author and as a horse woman .

Thursday, 31 October 2013

The wait is nearly over, I think!

 Winston waiting  for  the only  one  kiddo  who  came to trick  or  treat,  my cousin's  little  girl  Emily
She finally came  and  we  were  so excited to see her  all  dressed up! 
But  the  rest of us and  you , along  with  Winston have  been  waiting  for  something else...

In  my last post I posted  a photo of  the Haymobile, and  asked  you all to help  me  encourage  dad  to write a  guest post  about it. well it  took  some time and  your  encouragement(and  possibly  the  threat that I would  not post on my blog till he  did, empty ish  threat but... )  he  finally agreed to do it, then it seemed to be  taking still  longer, but the  best things do!
Not only  is he  going to  write about the haymobile, he  has started a  little  further  back  with a  little  Horricks history  lesson!
he is sending it to me  tomorrow and I hope  to have  the  first in  the  RJ Horricks  series of  guest posts up  by  the end of  the  day! I am very pleased and  excited to have  this and  will likely create a  page (tab ) where  they  will all be in  order much like my " poetry", and  "about me"  tabs.
So  thanks  for all of  the  comments  and  support , and hang in  there  folks it will be  more than  worth the wait!
Meanwhile as  always, stay  safe  friends


phaedra96 said...

A little arm-twisting never hurts!!
Will be waiting to hear the story.

kden said...

Glad to hear that, and his own history tab is a great idea.

KarenTX said...

Yay Ron!! I think a "Ron" tab is a good idea!

Shirley said...


4RRanch said...

Glad to help. I've thought about using tabs but then didn't know if it would just be redundant on my blog since I have labels. Looking forward to the haymobile details.

Janice Grinyer said...

history is always better when its written down - YAY FOR DAD!!!!

Cant wait! :)

C-ingspots said...

Wow, that will be fun...great idea!
Winston is soooo cute. *sigh*

aurora said...

You had one more trick-a-treater then we did...what was she dressed up as? Can't wait to read what your dad has to share. I am totally impressed he is willing to embrace the idea!!