Welcome to Fern Valley

Here in central Alberta prime farm country,my husband Martin and I work together raising beef cattle and Appaloosa horses. Fern valley appaloosas have long been known for their quality of temperament conformation and color.I have recently rediscovered a love of writing and have published 2 collections of poetry. "Telling Tails" and Tails Trails and Campfire stories" . I look forward to a future spreading my wings as an author and as a horse woman .

Monday 14 February 2022

Why dogs?

This may seem an odd post on this our "international remember to tell the person you love with an overpriced card and sugar that you care" day. But its what was on my mind. I actually wrote this last summer on one of those stinking hot days that I spent keeping Skeeter cool and comfortable.I was reminded then, as I often am that dogs are such wise and loving souls. I was sad, he was ill and we just cuddled, Henry hopped up with us and we all just had a pleasant chill afternoon. 

Also sharing today because Henry, is 7 today!!! how time has flown by! My funny valentine himself!     Frankie has his own special day in July. We used to call this day Skeeters "Gotcha day " because we didn't know his birth date and he was a Valentines gift to Martin. 


 Why dogs? 

Dogs are never too busy or too tired to spend time with me

Dogs won’t ignore me when someone else comes along 

My Dogs are always happy to see me 

My dog has never canceled plans because he got a better offer 

My dog has never called me fat

My dog doesn’t care if my outfit is trending 

My dog doesn’t care if my hair is long or short, grey or a mess 

My dog has never made me feel bad about myself 

My dog doesn’t laugh at me, but he brings me joy 

My dog has never made me feel hard to love 


A little side note about some of the other social media platforms, I have enjoyed the opportunity afforded me in that I can "read" my writings and share them and other experiences  in video. Helping to keep my memories. But gosh I am happy to be back on Blogger .

Also, I think its a good idea to tell those you love them everyday, and in the ways that you feel authentic. If its a mushy card, or a nice supper, or doing the little something that tells them you are thinking of them. Don't wait till the middle of February. To me it means more when Martin carries the laundry downstairs, or I hear him trying to shush the dogs so I can sleep,maybe bringing me my coffee when I have yet again set it down and forgotten it .

Stay safe and well friends 


aurora said...

Awww, I love this!! Dogs are so special. Sherry, it is so nice to have you back on Blogger sharing your wisdom & kind words. I couldn't agree with you more, love is meant to shared every day. I've never heard your voice before, you even sound like an author :) Happy Valentines Day!

Linda said...

What a personality your Henry has! Valentine’s is a perfect birthday. My daughter was born 30 years ago, on Valentine’s Day, and it has since then been all about my love for her.

Shirley said...

Lovely tribute to dogs! We do miss our Tess, Reba and Merle.
Ted and I do tell each other, every day "I love you" and try to show it in all the little things we do for each other.
I love that photo of Henty with your mom. It was special back than and it is still, now.

Cut-N-Jump said...

Your dogs look so happy, relaxed and chill. Looks like they bring you and yours as much joy and happiness as you give them. I love your latest writing and I'm glad to see you back on blogger.

Always tell those you love just how much you they mean to you. We never know Which day will be our last.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

thank you all, Yes Shirley I too love the picture of Henry and mom, and the joy it brought her, I never captured this but while he was there my mom was actually able to lift her hand to him, that memory holds my heart all these years later. Linda, happy belated birthday to your daughter, what a wonderful valentine! CnJ, I agree wholeheartedly, every day!