Welcome to Fern Valley

Here in central Alberta prime farm country,my husband Martin and I work together raising beef cattle and Appaloosa horses. Fern valley appaloosas have long been known for their quality of temperament conformation and color.I have recently rediscovered a love of writing and have published 2 collections of poetry. "Telling Tails" and Tails Trails and Campfire stories" . I look forward to a future spreading my wings as an author and as a horse woman .

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Hello friends, its been a minute

I haven't been a good blogger now for years it seems, I start and stop, and somehow I always "mean to get back to it" and suddenly its months later and I am still missing you all yet still not posting.
I feel like my muse has left me, but really I think I have neglected her . SO here is to trying again.

Right smack in the middle of a pandemic!
Social distancing isn't hard for me, I love people, don't get me wrong but  I also love my space.

Hoping to do more than just pop on here and there.
Hope you are all staying well

1 comment:

Shirley said...

I'll take blogging over Facebook any day.